Building Intelligent Systems

We build Intelligent Systems powered by
Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data and Blockchain technologies

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Bringing ideas to reality with new and emerging technologies

Cloud Computing

We leverage Cloud Computing technologies to build scalable, reliable and available systems and platforms

Internet of Things

We leverage Internet of Things technologies to build smart systems for cities, retail, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, energy, environment and agriculture

Big Data Analytics

We leverage Big Data technologies for batch, real-time and interactive analysis to provide descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics capabilities to IT systems


We leverage Blockchain technologies to build smart, secure and reliable systems for cities, retail, manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, energy, environment and agriculture

Our Specialization

We provide technology development, systems design, platform development and rapid prototyping services for a wide range of domains

Technology Solutions

We specialize in developing technology solutions to solve the most challenging problems in Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and Blockchain with applications spanning a wide range of domains

Systems Design

We specialize in designing IT systems taking into account all the aspects of the systems that need to be created including system architectures, modules, components, interfaces, web services and APIs

Platform Development

We specialize in designing cloud-based platforms, data storage and analytics components, and real-time dashboards for wide a range of applications

Rapid Prototyping

We provide proof-of-concept and rapid prototyping services for Internet of Things (IoT) to help organizations in prototying their IoT product ideas and bring them to reality

Use Cases

We develop technologies, systems and platforms for smart cities, web, retail, energy, environment, agriculture, manufacturing, logistics and healthcare.

Smart Cities

Smart City solutions use Cloud, IoT, Big Data and Blockchain technologies to provide smart applications such as smart metering, smart parking, public services tracking, smart lighting, traffic monitoring, and air quality monitoring


Intelligent Web and IT systems use Cloud, Big Data technologies for applications such as web analytics, content recommendation, application performance monitoring and advertisement targeting

Smart Retail

Smart Retail systems use IoT, Big Data and Blockchain technologies for applications such as optimized inventory management, item tracking, and enhanced customer experience through intelligent shopping applications

Smart Energy

Smart Energy systems use Cloud, IoT and Big Data technologies to provide smart applications such as smart grid monitoring, smart metering, building energy management, and prognostic health management


Smart Environment systems use Cloud, IoT and Big Data technologies to provide smart applications such as air pollution monitoring, noise pollution monitoring, forest fire detection, river floods detection, and water quality monitoring

Smart Agriculture

Smart Agriculture systems use IoT and Big Data technologies to provide smart applications such as remote crop monitoring, smart irrigation, livestock tracking, climate monitoring and forecasting

Industrial IoT

Industrial IoT systems incorporate sensing, actuation and control systems to provide smart manufacturing applications such as predictive maintenance, machine data analysis, production line monitoring and workforce tracking


Smart Logistics systems use Cloud, IoT and Big Data technologies to provide smart applications such as real-time fleet tracking, predictive maintenance, shipment monitoring, inventory tracking and analytics


Healthcare systems use Cloud, Big Data and IoT technologies to provide advanced applications such as remote health monitoring, patients surveillance, epidemiological surveillance, and evidence-based medicine